Avoid Foreclosure

Workshops help residents avoid foreclosure

The last two workshops financial crisis "is Wednesday and Phoenix on December 13, and more than 260 Phoenix residents have already use their tools to make their homes exclusion.

For Arizona, in cooperation with Neighborhood Housing Services of Phoenix, has a series of 16 workshops in July to help people cope with the exception of creating a budget crisis, ideas about how accroîtreLe income savings and spending priorities thunder. The participants are also locatedUnit have to ask questions and OPLA dates later with an adviser on the prevention of exclusion.

"Most families do not know how to prioritize their finances," said Jennifer Quillin, a spokesman for the Arizona stores and creative workshops. "The class can really prove that the funds at home and that there are other options for the exclusion."

A "crisis" in the budget, a dirence an ordinary household, is temporary and that the costn a doctor for the next 90 days.

Quillin said that the seminar is the first step in the right direction, because by creating a budget crisis, donors are able to see the owner's financial performance and commitment to their spending.

"The budget is absolutely necessary," said Patricia Garcia Duarte, chef servants not lucratifServices quarter. "We can not erhöhensind on the phone with a creditor,  if the budget has not been established and was confirmed. "

Although the workshops have saved more than 135 households in foreclosure this year, a sad reality for others.

"At the meeting in this class, a small number of families who really can not afford to house," said Garcia Duarte.

A Spanish course is Semper 13th December and dinner are served on the evening of the class