Avoid Foreclosure

Lenders urged for Foreclosures Moratorium

Governor Charlie Crist, the banking and mortgage lending for mortgages to hold until after the holidays.

Alex Sanchez, president and CEO of the Bankers Association of Florida, and Aletta Shute, Executive Vice President of the Florida Credit Union League, said his appeal to Member States institutions asking them to stop voluntarily submitting new applications for exclusion and end Without programming of Real Estate Sales in the next 45 days.

It is clear that the  Participation of banks in the May issue of exclusion and how they affect the overall situation in the problem of exclusion, which ranks third in the nation's second RealtyTrac.

"I congratulate these bankers and donors to give hope for the people in this difficult time economically," Christ said in a statement. "The fight MaisonsDAS families and owners should be easier during this holiday season, knowing that these donors have heard aboutthe demands of the owners. "

JPMorgan Chase, which received 25 billion U.S. dollars U.S. Department of Treasury at the same time, it has acquired Washington Mutual, at 31 October announced that the freezing of mortgage loans for 90 days while trying to borrowers to remain in their homes.

Floriuniti by many other States, to curb SEARCH applications deitudes exclusion, against the background of the credit crunch and housing Absturz. But experts questioned whether such activity can really help the market or simply delay the inevitable.

"Some banks are willing to service guidelines to promote pro-actively to prevent the eviction of houses," said James J. Saccacio, CEO of RealtyTRAC, in a statement last September. "The question now is whether these measures are actually the mortgage or simply cause a temporary pause in foreclosure activitytä